Business [Colin Dijs] September Mastermind


Pirate Club
5 Ноя 2017

One of the greatest parts of being part of a mastermind is the guidance you receive from others that are already where you want to be. They have been through the highs and lows and can help you from experiencing the same pitfall that they did.

Also with experience comes speed. You will be able to achieve your goals in half the time because you will be able to use others experience to accelerate your growth with less errors and mistakes!

The life of an entrepreneur can be lonely – Sharing your dreams, aspirations and challenges with a group of like minded individuals makes it a lot less lonely! You will naturally raise your game as you spend more time in the company of these like minded entrepreneurs – plus of course the average of the five people you spend the most time with will change – for the BETTER!

Collaboration is the name of the game. You may find someone in the group that is a perfect fit to work on a project with you. Or, you may be the perfect person to help another member as well. The group works together collaboratively, to achieve more together.

Share your ideas and alternatives within your Mastermind Group. If you are not sure what to do next, what direction to go in, the collective power of the Mastermind will kick in and get you back on track!

You can’t help but think bigger and stretch beyond your boundaries when surrounded by amazing people doing amazing things. Fellow Mastermind members will help you to see the potential you are missing out on.



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