Business [David Ford] Aff Playbook


Pirate Club
5 Ноя 2017

Affiliate marketing can be approached in numerous ways.

Unfortunately, a lot of the information out there doesn't teach affiliates how to actually build a business.

Too many affiliates get stuck in the hamster wheel of affiliate marketing. They do great for a while, then it dries up, and they start over from scratch again and again. To make things even worse – they usually employ methods that don't build anything of actual value.

I made the decision that I wanted to teach affiliate marketing methods that didn't focus on promoting ‘sketchy' programs, or doing ‘blackhat' methods. I teach methods that produce stable income, and grow as time goes on. You don't want to be the person who puts in lots of hard work, but has nothing to show for it at the end of the day. Affiliates are notorious for being middlemen who produce nothing of value, but it doesn't have to be that way. You can make big money while also building real assets that generate revenue for years to come.

Aff Playbook courses teach you how to do affiliate marketing as a long term business that keeps growing
You'll learn how to build websites and monetize them, how to select affiliates offers and niches, how to use paid traffic to your advantage, how to build and much more.

You won't just learn ONE thing…

A smart affiliate marketer focuses on building multiple streams of income. I'll teach you how to do this, and avoid putting all your eggs in one baset.

I focus on creating systems that you can learn, implement, and make your own. You'll find content and strategies with specific steps to follow. I don't waste time on ‘fluff'.

There are so many great ways to do affiliate marketing. Some people focus only on affiliate marketing, some use affiliate marketing as just a part of their business.

Aff Playbook will help you figure out where to start, or how to incorporate affiliate marketing in your existing business.



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