Books [Manuel Bernhardt] Reactive Data Handling



We depend on web applications to be highly-available and to provide us with up-to-the-second data. This shift toward real-time data processing is also a key aspect of the Internet of Things, which the Gartner Group predicts by 2020 will include 26 billion actively-connected physical devices sending, receiving, and processing streams. That's a lot of data. The reactive application architecture is an answer to the requirements of high availability and resource efficiency.

Reactive Data Handling is a collection of five hand-picked chapters introducing you to building reactive applications capable of handling real-time processing with large data loads. Manuel Bernhardt, author of Reactive Web Applications , selected these chapters to show you how reactive application architecture solves real-time data demands. You'll start with the high-level architecture of reactive applications and then look at low-level practical aspects. After you read these chapters, you'll understand the benefits of using the reactive application architecture to manage and process vast quantities of data at a fast pace. Along the way, you'll get a sample of Manning books you may want to add to your library.


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