Books [Robert Turner] The ultimate beginners guide to real estate investing: How to turn your own small private equity fund into a real estate empire throug



But in order to be successful, investors have to face many challenges. You need to learn how to create a business plan to measure the profitability of your investments and real estate dealings. You also need to know how to anticipate the costs of your jobs. One prerequisite is that you must have creditability. It is always practical to be guided in such projects, and this is the reason why this book exists.

This beginner book on real estate investor gives an easy-to-follow guide (from beginner to expert) on how to identify, bargain and buy properties, why cash flow is important, the strategic methods of proceeding with real estate dealings and the common mistakes to avoid. It also suggests strategies to find financial arrangements and options for real estate buyers and investors. This book is a self-help for new real estate investors. It combines all the foundations needed for a successful investment program in real estate.

This book, THE ULTIMATE BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO INVESTING IN REAL ESTATE aims at helping novices to get started and become successful in real estate business. This is obviously the right book to get you right on track. It is available for anyone who wants to invest in real estate and become a dealer. In fact, it is intended for both experienced tenants and beginners. This book covers all the topics that are necessary in order to invest in real estate. Thanks to the diverse nature of the book, beginners can easily follow along and understand.

This book contains major topics such as:
  • Myths about money
  • How to develop the mindset of a millionaire investor
  • Why banks won’t loan you money
  • The importance of Know how as priority for the success
  • Identify great real estate opportunities
  • How to attract partners
  • Mutual funds
  • Private money lender
  • Financing strategies
  • Impact of covid-19 on real estate investments; short and long term
  • The house drop tecnique
  • Ways to invest in real estate
  • and more...
This book is invaluable for all beginners involved in this type of project. If you have invested some funds and borrowed for years, you will surely want to be successful. With this book, experienced investors can find new ways to improve their investment.

This "main points summary book" THE ULTIMATE BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO REAL ESTATE INVESTING allows you to make the right decisions and present your own ideas without intermediaries. It is all about objectivity. Buying real estate could make you wealthy. In fact, real estate investing is the fastest way to accumulate wealth and be financially stable. Basically, this is a safe and profitable solution for investing your money in the long run.

The book contains a practical guide and a list of all the things you need to know in order to make an investment in real estate with little money: it’s very useful in this critical period, when everybody feel frightened about investing or spend money.

It aims to explain How to profit from Residential and Commercial investments despite of the “Economic crash” of the Real Estate Market in this period, post-Corona Virus.

Be a very informed and intelligent investor!


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