Development [Skillshare] Flutter - How to Build an Ultimate Responsive App



Responsive design is an important building block of app development. This is an important skill that you should master.
This course will build your foundation on it.

The course will provide you not only theoretical foundation but also practical implementation of Responsive Design in a Flutter App. First, you will learn Responsive Design Guidelines, Patterns based on Google's Material Design Responsive. And then you will learn how to implement these guidelines and patterns in a Flutter App. A full Flutter responsive app is demonstrated that works on Android, iOS and Web. You will be able to download the source code of this app at the end of this course. By the end of this course, you will be able to build a responsive app in Flutter that provides a great user experience on Android, iOS and Web.

For a multi-platform flutter app with a single code base, the app UI needs to adapt to any screen size and any device. In other words, it needs to be responsive.

Here are the challenges you will face when building a responsive app

How to handle your app UI for so many different screen sizes and devices on the market?

How many layouts would you implement for each app screen?

And what would change in each of these layouts?

Is it complicated and takes too long to build responsiveness?

In this course, we will address all these challenges.

By the end of this course, you will be able to build a responsive app in Flutter that provides a great user experience on Android, iOS and Web.

Meet Your Teacher
Naresh Idiga is a Senior Android Developer Consultant, working for London based clients and Founder at Roboto Systems. For over 14+years, he has been working with clients of various sizes from startups to big companies like Motorola and HTC. He has over 10 years of experience into mobile apps development alone.


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