Design [Skillshare] Learn How To Create A Trippy Animation In After Effects



Always wanted to learn how you can animate your artworks and bring them alive? This class is perfect for you no matter whether you are beginner or experienced.

In this class you will:
  • Learn how to use After Effects
  • Create an Advanced Animation
The class is perfect for everyone:
  • Beginners
  • Experienced Users
The Animation you will create

Project Description
As a final project we will create the artwork below.

Download the project files in resources area or download them via this link

To complete the project please upload one of the following:
  • The final animation
  • Or parts of the animation
This is our final project

About Author
My name is Fred and I will teach you the most advanced and modern skills that Photoshop has to offer.

Already after watching one class you will be able to create stunning artworks.

Make sure to check my other works and upcoming classes at my instagram @freds_gallery

Covered Topics
  • Animation
  • Adobe After Effects
  • Creative
  • After Effects
  • Creative Photography
  • Surreal
  • 2d Animation
  • Psychedelic

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