Development [Udacity] Become A Professional React Developer Nanodegree



Why Take This Nanodegree Program?

React is a powerful JavaScript library ideal for building interactive, data-driven user interfaces, and it’s used by some of the most successful brands in the world, including Facebook, Netflix, Airbnb, and more.

The goal of this program is to equip you with the skills and experience you’ll need to become a professional React developer. We designed the curriculum to ensure that graduates emerge well-prepared to take advantage of dramatically increasing demand for developers with React skills.

Advance your Career
The React Developer Nanodegree program is designed to ensure your long-term success in the field. The skills you learn will prepare you for jobs in React development, and you’ll be ready to deliver immediate value to any organization. We will support you throughout your learning journey; from gaining valuable technical and career skills, to landing your dream job.

Hiring Partners
React Developers are in high demand. Create your professional portfolio with Udacity and open up a world of opportunities. Our hiring partners are eager to meet you.

Succeed with Recruiters
Work with experienced careers professionals for tailored advice on how to improve your search and impress recruiters. Including feedback on your LinkedIn, GitHub, and professional brand.

Build a Great Network
40,000+ highly-skilled grads make up your new career community. Ready to collaborate, share referrals, or hire your own team? The Udacity Alumni Network is here for you!

What You Will Learn:
  • React Fundamentals
    By learning React’s component model, you’ll be able to write declarative, composable user interfaces to build production-ready apps.
  • React & Redux
    When your app’s state becomes difficult to maintain, it’s time to add Redux! By learning Redux, you’ll manage complicated state to build enterprise-level apps.
  • React Native
    You already use React to build your web apps. Now, using React Native, you’ll be able to develop React applications that run on both iOS and Android devices.

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