IT & Software [] Python Kivy The Full Guide


What you'll learn
  • Learn How To Build A Powerful Android Applications Using Python And Kivy
  • Build Your Own Android Applications And Games With Kivy
  • Little knowledge of the basics of Python

I Started From Scratch To Teach You Every Thing About Kivy . Trying To Make You Professionl In Developing A lot Of Applications And Games After Finishing This Course You Will Be Able To Make Your Own Android Applications . And Make Your Own Android Games .. You Will Make Your Apps Easily With Kivy And Python.I Hope This Course Be Helpfull FOr You And Wait My New Courses In Kivy,Now I am recording new course for some advanced topics in kivy and another course in Some Applications And Some Games And Those Courses Will Be Soon On Udemy Just To Help You Get better In Kivy To Build Your Own Application Or Game

Who this course is for

  • Python Developers Who Want To Make Android Applications
  • Android Developers
  • Students Who Want To Make An Android Applications

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