Development [Udemy] Writing Clean Asynchronous Code In Node.Js



What you'll learn:

  • Write Clean Code with Promises in NodeJs
  • Avoid CallbackHell with Promises, Asyncjs and Promises
  • Write Clean Code with Async/Await in Nodejs
  • Convert Callbacks To Promises
  • Best Design Pattern To Write Asynchronous Code in Nodejs
  • Write Clean Code with Callbacks in Nodejs
  • Get Basic Knowledge of Nodejs is Important
  • Basic Knowledge of Expressjs is Important
  • Basic Knowledge of Javascript is Important
This course will include topics on:
  • What is Callback
  • What is CallbackHell
  • How to avoid CallbackHell using Async.js
  • How to avoid CallbackHell using Async/Await
  • What is Promise
  • What is Promise Chaining
  • How to run Asynchronous tasks in the Series using Promise Chaining
  • How to run Asynchronous functions in the Parallel using Promise.all
  • Execute Asynchronous tasks in Parallel using Async/Await
  • How to run Asynchronous functions in Series using Async.series method
  • How to run Asynchronous methods in Parallel using Async.parallel method
  • Execute Asynchronous tasks in Series using Async/Await
  • How to run Asynchronous methods in Loop using Async.each method
  • What is Async/Await
  • Run Asynchronous Tasks in Loop using Async/Await
  • Converting Callbacks to Promises
  • What is Bluebird
  • Practical examples of Bluebird.promisify method
  • Practical examples of Bluebird.promisifyAll method
Who this course is for:
  • Developers who want to learn Async/Await in Nodejs
  • Programmers looking to learn, how to avoid callbackhell
  • Developers who want to learn Promises in Nodejs
  • Developers who want to follow the best practices to write code using Callbacks
  • This course is not for Nodejs beginners,you must have an intermediate knowledge of Nodejs
  • Developers who want to learn how to run tasks in parallel,series and in the loop using Callbacks
  • Developers who want to learn how to run tasks in parallel,series and in the loop using Promises
  • Developers who want to write Clean Code Asynchronous Code in Nodejs

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